Dec. 5, 2022

The Tracheostomy Decision with Dr. Parisa Kaviany and Dr. Maria Arroyo--Part 2

The Tracheostomy Decision with Dr. Parisa Kaviany and Dr. Maria Arroyo--Part 2

Dr. Parisa Kaviany is a former Children’s National Resident, she completed her pediatric pulmonology fellowship at Johns Hopkins and we were lucky enough to get her back as a pulmonologist. Dr. Kaviany’s research interest is health disparities among children with asthma. 

Dr. Maria Arroyo  did her pulmonology fellowship at Children’s National in DC and stayed as an attending, she also works at The HSC Pediatric Center, a subacute care facility in Washington, DC. Dr. Arroyo is THE person you want your patients’ parents to meet when they’re making the tracheostomy decision.

By the end of listening to this episode, learners should be able to:

  1. Describe the typical stakeholders involved in a tracheostomy decision.
  2. Understand the caregiver, spatial, and technical requirements of living at home with a tracheostomy.
  3. Describe the requirements that must be met prior to discharge to an acute care facility.
  4. Differentiate the ventilator weans that must take place prior to discharge home vs prior to discharge to an acute care facility. 

Mentioned in this episode:
Family Reflections: a website about deciding about home ventilation
ATS Trach Education PDF: A pediatric tracheostomy education PDF from the American Thoracic Society
Lilly's little lungs: one family's story of going home with a preemie who needs a trach and vent, the account follows her through a successful LTR.

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Thank you for listening to this episode of PedsCrit. Please remember that all content during this episode is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. It should not be used as medical advice. The views expressed during this episode by hosts and our guests are their own and do not reflect the official position of their institutions. If you have any comments, suggestions, or feedback-you can email us at Check out for detailed show notes. And visit @critpeds on twitter and @pedscrit on instagram for real time show updates.